Blog Archives

Ben & Jerry’s protest for marriage equality in Australia

Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s came up with a wonderfully creative idea to protest for marriage equality in Australia. Whenever a customer asks for two scoops of the same ice cream flavour they will be refused. In this way

Posted in Australia, Home, LGBT

Gender Fluid Uniforms for Students at a Private School in Sydney

The International Grammar School in Sydney announced that it will introduce school uniforms in which all students, independent of their gender identity, will feel comfortable. The elite private school runs under the motto “Unity through Diversity” and it wants to

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Posted in Australia, Culture, Home, LGBT, LGBT

Conservative Pundit: Gays Sleep With Up To 20,000 Partners In Their ‘Short, Miserable Lives’

Australian conservatives claim that according to an “expert” homosexuals have up to 20 000 partners in the course of their sexually active life. Beside this the article reads as if it was written during the 80s when people still thought

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Posted in Australia, LGBT